
ReeFlowers ReefFlowers B-Color

Reeflowers B-Colour has been specifically designed to boost the colours within reef corals. The 250ml solution is particularly effective at bringing out purple, blues and pinks.

Reeflowers B-Colour contains special pigments and elements that help to enhance colours naturally. The solution is also responsible for speeding up the vital functions of aquarium inhabitants. 

Reeflowers B-Colour supports a stable PH level in aquarium water and accelerates growth and development within marine reef species together with maintaining a healthier aquarium environment.

Instructions for use: It is recommended that you should use 2ml for every 100litres on a weekly basis for an average stocked aquarium (1 capful equals 6 ml) For long term use, you should not use more than 4ml for every 100 litres on a weekly basis. It is recommended that you should use together with the Reeflowers F-Colour. At 2ml for every 100 litres Maximum amount of litres this bottle will dose on one dosage is 12500 litres. You will get 125 weeks’ worth of treatment for a 100 litre tank At 4ml for every 100 litres Maximum amount of litres this bottle will do is 6250 You will get 62 weeks’ worth of treatment for a 100 litre tank