
Eheim Eheim CompactON Pump 2100

  • 19mm Hose Adapter.
  • Dimensions: (W) 170 x (H) 142 x (D) 109mm.
  • Flow Rate: 1400 - 2100 L/h.
  • High Pump Performance with low power consumption. 
  • 200m Cable.
  • Robust Suction Cup Fastening.
  • Suitable for both freshwater and marine aquariums.
  • Silent due to ceramic bearing.

The Eheim Compact On aquarium pump is characterized by it's name through a compact design. This Eheim Compact On's German designed pump offers superior build quality offering more flexibility and flow rate adjustment, further more due to the ceramic bearings the compact on gives a near silent performance.

compact pump for aquaria,universal use
*silent pump
*high pump output with low power consumption
*mounting by means of robust suction cups
*suitable for fresh water and marine water
output 1400-2100
gal/h imp 308-462/370-555
power 38
hose mm 19/27
hose 3/4"