H2Ocean Pro+ LPS
Is a purpose engineered marine aquarium food with slightly larger particles that are perfect to feed and enhance many LPS corals and smaller fish. We have included a soluble amino acid trigger to stimulate the corals and fish into feeding mode with large but light particles that will remain in suspension whilst they feed.
Highly Digestable
For decades the number one goal of many reef aquarists has been to provide enough nutrition to corals and fish to encourage good growth, health and strong coloration without the accumulation in the tank of excess nutrients that pollute the water and lead to deteriorating conditions.
Many foods available require a considerable amount of digestion on the part of the fish or coral before any nutrition is obtained from the product. In many cases this leads to large amounts of waste being generated as undigested food passes through the gut with minimal nutrition uptake.
Using advanced production methods and carefully chosen ingredients our new foods make this process much easier and faster for both the fish and corals, so the amount of nutrition gained per feed is higher than previously available in many cases and consequently the amount of waste left over is reduced.